Getting started with Rust, developer environment setup and basics

I hope you're now curious and are itching to get started writing Rust code on your own computer. Getting started with a new programming language is never an easy task. It's especially difficult considering that you might not yet know what you don't know, which makes searching for solutions very difficult. My goal is not to be patronizing, rather assume that you're starting out and need guidance. If after reading this you manage to build your own Rust code, then I would have succeeded.

This is why this part is getting it's own chapter. I'll guide you from 0 to getting productive with Rust, from installing the tools you need up to building your first code using an external Rust library.

The final section of this chapter will be the executive summary: a sort of cheatsheet or recap you can refer to going forward, I'll keep it short but useful.

Keep in mind, my focus is not to build an academic lecture or theorize about concepts, but rather to get you productive and working on concrete data problems with Rust.

So what's next? Installing stuff!